Exploring Facebook for Retailers
Just about everyone has a social media account somewhere. Be it Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. But with social media being flooded with selfies and work day rants, how can it be beneficial to home furnishings retailers? We’ll tell you how. MicroD is going to explore the world of social media for you. By the end of this read, you’ll know exactly how Facebook for retailers works!
Some home furnishings retailers are too busy running their stores. They don’t bother to be on Facebook consistently. Or any other social media for that matter. And that’s not a problem! But it is important to be informed of significant Facebook facts. If you can recall, advertising your store and brands are crucial for boosting recognition. And what better way to advertise than by doing it through social media? There isn’t! Plus, these days you can do just about anything from the palm of your hand. So, no excuses there!
“Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide.”
The Facebook newsroom reported there are now 2 billion people connecting and building communities on Facebook every month. That’s almost 66 million users a day! With a massive number of people on Facebook alone, each day you’re not posting about any promotions or sales you have going on is another day without any brand awareness being built.
Facebook for Retailers in Home Furnishings
Signing up and establishing a Facebook page will enable home furnishings retailers to produce a social platform for their customers. This platform will be where customers can discuss products, services, and potentially recommend and share your business amongst their Facebook friends.
Have any clue who benefits the most from Facebook marketing? Online ad tool, Qwaya, answered: retailers. That’s right. Online business marketing on Facebook is ideal for small, traditional retailers. Home furnishings retailers tend to offer products to a smaller range of customers than, say, a national retail chain. Think about it. It makes sense when put in that perspective. Plus, in the home furnishings industry, that’s what is offered: home furnishings. And this is no disadvantage either.
Facebook Insights
The great thing about having a Facebook page for businesses is the “Insights” tab. Easily get an overview of the postings on your page. You’ll never know how well your posts (graphics, videos, promos, etc.) are doing unless you check. And you’ll be surprised on how much you’ll start caring once the numbers come rolling in. Facebook for retailers lets you track:
- How many page views and page likes you’re getting
- The amount of people you’re reaching
- How many followers you’ve gained
- The number of views videos collected
- And more!
What to Do
After checking in on eMarketer, it turns out that 22% of users use Facebook to check what is trending. Another 25% use it for findings ideas and inspiration, while 26% read the opinions of others. And there you go! That’s the sugar, spice, and everything nice of Facebook postings for home furnishings retailers. Posts catered to your Facebook audience will help with those insight numbers. So take those percentages and make them count! It’s that simple.
If 22% like to see what’s trending, create posts about a furniture trend:
‘Summer is here! Do you have the right outdoor furniture to beat the heat?’
And then add in a photo of whatever summer goods you’re offering.
Ideas and inspiration are even easier. Photos of interior design would work perfectly here.
Lastly, the opinions of others. By now, MicroD has made it pretty clear why store reviews matter. That last 26% of Facebook users that enjoy reading the opinions of others? Well, to give them what they want all depends on the engagement you can rack up from the rest of postings.
There you have it! Facebook for retailers helps with the journey customers go through before buying a recliner. Or a coffee table. Or an ottoman… The goal is to gather a big enough audience that they start spreading the word about you. In return, your business could begin seeing some more traffic and profit. And you can’t really complain about that!
If you think navigating through Facebook and creating social posts still seems complex, and you would like some professional help, your friendly eCommerce provider for furniture has your back! Find out how.