Facebook Live for Retailers
Updated: June 14, 2017. Facebook live is taking off as a useful tool for social media marketing in the furniture industry. How can Facebook Live for retailers make a difference to your customers? MicroD is here to guide you through the social media best practices for Facebook Live.
Watch the video for more tips on how Retailers can use Facebook Live!
Facebook Live for Retailers #whiteboardworkshop
MicroD's #whiteboardworkshop on Facebook Live for Retailers! Join us!Read about it after the video https://microdinc.com/2017/05/15/facebook-live-retailers/
Posted by MicroD on Tuesday, June 13, 2017
What is Facebook Live?
If you’ve been living under a rock or still haven’t picked up the social media habit after Lent, you may wonder what Facebook Live means. From the Facebook horse’s mouth:
[Facebook] Live lets people, public figures, and Pages share live video with their followers and friends on Facebook.
Facebook Live is a lot like the apps you’ve seen before: Periscope, Snapchat, even a live webinar. Think of this as a tool to socially engage your audience in real-time through video.
If you’ve followed MicroD’s Facebook page, you’ll remember a few special Live videos during High Point Market 2016 and 2017.
Importance of Digital Video in 2017
Let’s take a step back and ask the bigger question: why is digital video important? While connecting face-to-face with your customers is v
aluable, sometimes it isn’t always feasible. If your customer base extends past the reach of your brick-and-mortar store, how do you keep the customers engaged with your brand? Digital video is the new face-to-face interaction. Retailers, especially in the home furnishings industry, who don’t adapt will be left behind. Your customer base is more intelligent and is growing accustomed to the immediacy of goods and services. The same goes for their relationship-building activities.
» A Look at the Numbers
According to eMarketer, US digital video continues to outperform in many categories: including display advertising.
Video is the only subcategory of display ad spending that is growing, as rich media, banner ads and sponsorship all shrink. Video spend is also growing at a faster rate than search, which will see increases in the 2% range in each of the next two years. Only mobile ad spending is growing faster than video.
Where the ad dollars go, so too does the audience.
Why Facebook Live for Retailers?
By now, you understand what Facebook Live is and why it’s important to use digital videos in your marketing plan. Why should you use Face
book Live, of all the options in the social marketplace, to reach your customers?
» More Insights by the Numbers
A recent study by eMarketer shows why. According to the study, Facebook is the preferred social media platform for every gender and age group. Take a look at the graph and see where your target demographic falls on the spectrum.
Facebook is the most rapidly growing social media network in the world. Billions of users of every generation are logging on through web browsers and mobile apps to access Facebook daily. Not only are the users flocking to Facebook, but so are your competitors. From retail giants to mom and pop furniture shops, everyone is cashing in on the Facebook feed.
Tips for Getting Started
While the concept is clear, how can a retailer get started with Facebook Live? The social media experts at MicroD have narrowed it down to a few simple tips.
» Make a Plan
Engage your current followers first, then reach for growth. Put together a list of topics, times, and team members to include in your Facebook Live videos. If you’re reaching out to staff or in-store customers to help your Facebook Live campaign, make sure to have pre-determined schedules so that everyone can be comfortable knowing what to expect.
» Set Realistic Goals
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t expect your Facebook Live audience to take off immediately either. Setting realistic expectations and goals will be critical to your success. You won’t have a large, loyal following after the first episode. Follow your plan and set benchmarks to se
e how the growth is building.
» Be Consistent
Find a voice that matches your culture and put that into your creative planning of every episode. You want your growing audience to know what to expect; not necessarily the content expectations but the overall theme and tone. People, even your customers, are creatures of habit. When you find what works (time, team, and topics) stick with it!
Facebook Live is a powerful tool for retailers. The home furnishings industry is full of beautiful pieces and limitless creativity. Remember, though, that every tool isn’t meant for everyone. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failing at something new and innovative is expected at the start. Failing is how we find what doesn’t work. Never be afraid to go back to the drawing board to find what works. Your time and resources are valuable. Make
the most of it.
For more insight on social media marketing tools that will improve your furniture store, email solutions@microdinc.com or follow us on Facebook to watch MicroD’s Live video on this topic and more!